Ramadan, socialism and the neighbour’s car

Freedom, justice and ending the occupation was our “revolutionary socialism” around which we teenagers in the Gaza refugee camp secretly organised and declared strikes on the walls of the camp in red graffiti, and quoted (or misquoted) Marx as we pleased, oftentimes out of context. And when it was time for prayer, we all went to the mosque. Read more...

The Middle East and the Return of History

Ever since Francis Fukuyama argued, more than two decades ago, that the world had reached the end of history, history has made the world hold its breath. Read more...

Why is the world in grip of jehadist menace?

Three momentous events, all in November-December 1979, are the genesis of a great deal of chaos the world faces today. Read more...

The End of the Islamic Revolution?

As President Hassan Rouhani approaches the end of his first year in office in the 35th anniversary of the revolution, we can affirm that the Islamic revolution in Iran has indeed come to an end. Read more...

Post-sanctions Iran: The next China?

It is the combination of pragmatism and resilience that underpins Iran's increasingly successful bid for (retaking) a pride of place among the world's leading nations. Read more...