Political Islam: Rise, fragmentation and possible fall

Political Islam covers a wide range of Islamic political movements involving different sects, sub-sects, nationalities and leftist, as well as rightist rhetoric and narratives. Read more...

Political Islam: Theory and reality

The ultimate goal of 'political Islam' is to create an international fraternity of Muslim nations that can slowly be guided toward a united caliphate. But how they intend to make modern Muslim nation states accept such a caliphate, they’re at a loss to say. Read more...

Islam vs. Islam

When religious people arrogate themselves to understand the divine purpose and are presumptuous enough to conceive themselves as instruments of divine will on earth, then -- and only then -- can they commit crimes in the name of religion. Read more...

Sunni-Shi’ite Tensions are Nothing New

We have become accustomed to viewing the political and social history of the region through the lens of the Sunni–Shi’ite conflict. Read more...

When Iraq was the bastion of a thriving cosmopolitan culture

Iraqi borders may have been decided by colonial design but Iraqi people are not a colonial product. Read more...

The myth of Sykes-Picot and its shortcomings

Sykes-Picot was not the sole determinant of the fate of modern Arab countries. Read more...

Fouad Ajami - a scholar without empathy

The chief criticism of Ajami was not that he was a bad scholar, but that he too often used that scholarship in the service of power. Read more...

The idea of the Hijab

The hijab may mean many different things to different people. For some, the hijab may allow them to retain their modesty, morals and freedom of choice but for others hijab causes issues with gender relations and is a tool to silence and repress women both physically and metaphorically. Read more...

Islamic Modernism Series II: modernism vs. traditional Islam

Islamic modernism started in the 19th century as a political response to Western intellectuals who claimed cultural and even genetic supremacy over Muslim civilisation. Read more...

Islamic Modernism Series I: traditional Islam

“The traditional Islam refuses ever to accept Islam as an ideology and it is only when the traditional order succumbs to the modern world that the understanding of religion as ideology comes to the fore…" Read more...

Globalization and radicalization

As result of the failure of nationalist and leftist ideologies in Muslim countries, Islam became both a factor of quasi-nationalism and a protest movement against anything that was Western. Read more...

A confused nation’s slow march to clarity

The problem Pakistan faces today has gone beyond democracy and the gibberish spouted in the name of freedom of expression. This doesn’t mean we roll up democracy and the media, only that we understand what is at stake. The Taliban don’t believe in democracy. They believe in freedom of expression only for themselves. The only language they deal in is that of force. The only language they understand is that of arms. Read more...

Middle East: Death by identity

The people of the Middle East suffer from an exaggerated identification with groups, whether political, religious or politico-religious. The myths and traditions of any sect, tribe or nation are not only alive and well, but reaffirmed daily by the instruments of modernity. Read more...

Iran and Turkey: Unlikely duo amid regional turmoil

There are three factors that need to be considered in assessing and understanding the motives behind the Turkish-Iranian rapprochement and possible cooperation: the deepening divide between Shia and Sunni in the greater Middle East, the optimistic chatter about a possible nuclear deal between Iran and the West, and the alarming developments in Syria and Iraq. Read more...

Iraqi state needn’t fall apart

The speed with which ISIL has moved its forces towards Baghdad has been used as evidence of Iraq’s artificiality and the divided nature of its population. The truth, however, is more complex but less pessimistic. Read more...

End of a pipe dream

The Turkish ruling party, Justice and Development Party (AKP), turned down a historic chance of architecting a 'liberal Islam' and now faces Afganistanisation abroad and Pakistanisation at home. Read more...

On anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in Europe

Is European antipathy towards Muslims comparable to that first stage of hatred towards Jews, a hatred that culminated in one of the darkest pages of human history? Read more...

Why are there no Muslim philosophers?

To what extent can Muslims think as Muslims within the academia without being deemed too Muslim, and to what extent must their thought be made to conform to Western paradigms of thought? Read more...